What is Visual Snow Syndrome?
Visual Snow Syndrome ('VS') is a devastating neurological condition that can affect an individual’s vision, hearing, cognitive and other functioning. A landmark study published in 2014 proposed diagnostic criteria which provides the best definition of VS. According to the study, patients must have:
- Visual snow (i.e. dynamic, continuous, tiny dots in their entire visual field) for three months, and
- At least two of the following four categories of additional symptoms (which are explained and illustrated on the symptoms page):
- Palinopsia (afterimages or trailing),
- Enhanced entoptic phenomena (floaters, blue-field entoptic phenomena, self-light of the eye or spontaneous photopsia)
- Photophobia (light sensitivity), and
- Nyctalopia (impaired night vision).
Additionally, their symptoms must not be:
- Consistent with a typical migraine visual aura (i.e. a migraine that produces visual symptoms), or
- Attributable to another disorder (i.e. the patient’s eye exams produce normal results, and they have not taken any psychotropic drugs).
Most patients experience many other additional symptoms; these are also explained and illustrated on the symptoms page. VS affects a patient's vision 24/7, which means that they never have any relief from it – even when they close their eyes. Currently, there is no cure for the disease and it is yet to receive widespread recognition within the medical profession.
'I’m stuck at home. I can’t see. I can’t go anywhere. I can’t see my way around where I’m going. I can’t drive. I can’t see my friends. I can’t go to school. I can’t do anything anymore.’ – Jack Lea
In rare cases, symptoms may actually improve, but identifying any specific cause for the improvement is usually impossible. More commonly, as times passes patients get used to VS, creating the illusion of an improvement - this is more common where symptoms are stable rather than progressive. Does VS get worse?
However, in extremely rare cases, if the symptoms are severe enough VS may cause blindness in the legal sense. Can VS cause blindness?
What triggers the onset of VS?
What is the pathophysiology of VS?
How is VS treated?
First and foremost, the symptoms themselves can be debilitating. For instance, as you can see on the Symptoms page, the visual snow can be so dense that it obscures whatever you are looking at. Another example is pattern glare making it impossible to read. Therefore, Visual Snow Syndrome can directly impact patients by disrupting routine tasks such as reading, driving or even going outside. Secondly, patients receive a lack of understanding from others. Visual Snow Syndrome is a little-known condition, even within the medical profession. Consequently, friends, family and doctors are often perplexed when sufferers try to explain their symptoms to them. In some cases, they are dismissed as making everything up, or are told to just get over it. Imagine how you would feel if your doctor or closest family member did not believe that you had a condition that was ruining your life. Thirdly, due to the lack of awareness and information about the condition, patients do not understand their own condition. For years a patient may suffer from VS, and since they often receive no diagnosis or a misdiagnosis from their doctors, they do not know what is happening to them. For many, not knowing what is wrong with them is the worst part of the condition. Many feel that they are alone, and become anxious that their condition will worsen. As fully explained on the About page, this is why this charity was created – to raise awareness of the condition so that people can understand their condition from the very beginning; this can help save years of worrying and help patients come to terms with VS. What impact does VS have on the lives of patients?
You could help raise awareness. If you suffer from Visual Snow Syndrome, whilst you may understandably want to keep the condition to yourself, you could spread the word and educate others. This could be done on a small scale, such as simply opening up to friends and family. You could go even further and do a small fundraiser, or appear in your local newspaper – the choice is yours and the possibilities endless. More likely than not you will feel much better after talking about your experiences. As the cliché goes, a problem shared is a problem halved. Even if you do not have VS, your voice is valuable and can go a long way. Also, if you have Visual Snow Syndrome you can volunteer to take part in future research and trials, which will hopefully lead to a treatment. For more information on how to do this, click here. How can I help the cause?
It was previously thought that VS was a specific type of migraine which lasted for a prolonged period of time called Persistent Migraine Aura Without Infarction. The study in 2014 confirmed that VS is a distinct disorder. Interestingly, many VS sufferers do experience migraines, and a study in 2015 found that patients who suffer from migraine tend to suffer from more severe VS symptoms (i.e. migraine aggravates VS symptoms). It also found that the parts of the brain affected by Visual Snow Syndrome are also affected during a migraine indicating that, although they are separate disorders, there is some overlap in the way they affect each other. The same study also notes that there may be a pathophysiological overlap between typical migraine aura and VS. Hallucinogen Persistent Perception Disorder (HPPD) and drug usage Drugs do not cause Visual Snow Syndrome; this was recognised in the 2014 study because many patients are children, and therefore cannot have taken any psychotropic drugs. There is, however, a very similar condition called HPPD which is triggered by psychedelic drugs and gives rise to many similar symptoms. As a result, research into either disorder may help to understand the other. Nevertheless, these two conditions should be kept separate, as many VS sufferers do not want to be associated with drug usage. Meares-Irlen Syndrome/Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome (SSS) Several VS symptoms, including light sensitivity, pattern glare/visual stress and migraines, are also common symptoms of SSS. SSS is a rare visual processing disorder which sometimes accompanies conditions such as dyslexia and autism. It is as poorly understood as VS, and thus will not be discussed in detail here. For further information about SSS, click here. Notably, tinted lenses/glasses have helped some people with SSS, so they may be worth investigating especially if you suffer from pattern glare. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Visual snow and some other symptoms (such as flashing lights) can often be caused by the autoimmune condition MS. MS is where the body attacks its own nerves. This can cause visual symptoms, including visual snow, if the optical nerve is attacked and becomes inflamed (a condition called ‘optic neuritis’). Here, VS-like symptoms are just one aspect of the manifestation of MS, thus it is not standalone VS. Lyme disease Some patients believe that their VS symptoms are linked to them contracting Lyme disease. Similarly to MS, the visual symptoms experienced here are part of a larger condition affecting other body parts/senses rather than being standalone VS. The link between Lyme disease and VS has been subjected to very little scientific investigation.Which conditions does VS often get mistaken for or overlap with?
Firstly, you can eliminate the possibility of other conditions. For instance, a sudden onset of floaters and flashes (photopsia) can be a sign of retinal detachment, which can lead to blindness. By going to a medical professional you can rule out other disorders, which is in fact one of the requirements outlined in VS' diagnostic criteria. Secondly, some doctors do know about Visual Snow Syndrome, albeit just a handful, so there is still a chance that you may be properly diagnosed. Even if the doctor does not know about it, it is a chance for you to make them aware of it. I would recommend taking copies of the recent research into VS (see the Resources page); this will help show the doctor that this is a real condition. With some luck, the doctor may then look into the condition and give you a proper diagnosis. Thirdly, it is always a good thing to make your doctor aware of your health problems. At least your record will be up-to-date, and you and your doctor can track the development of your symptoms over time.Should VS sufferers visit a doctor?
Is there a test to diagnose VS?
Who does VS affect?
How many people does VS affect?
Is VS hereditary?