Eye On Vision Foundation – Fundraising Campaign

I will always have an enormous amount of gratitude to the Eye On Vision Foundation (EOVF), the first ever charity established for raising awareness and research funding for Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS), and its pioneering founder, Jennifer Ambrose. It is thanks to the efforts of the EOVF that the first ever research study on VSS was published in 2014, paving the way for further research and formal recognition of VSS within the medical profession.
From a personal perspective, this was also the reason why – after suffering from VSS for five (very scary and confusing) years, since the age of 12 – that I finally discovered the name of my condition and others suffering just like me. More importantly, I was given hope for a better, visually-clearer, future.
Fast-forward to today, and the EOVF continues relentlessly on its quest to find a cure for VSS. Currently, the EOVF is running a fundraising campaign (with a goal of $400,000) for a critical, ground-breaking research study led by Dr. Fielding of Monash University in Australia. You can read more about this campaign by clicking on this link.
Please kindly consider donating, and bringing us a step closer to hopefully finding a much-needed treatment for VSS.
Many thanks
Davin Basi
Founder and Chair Trustee of The Visual Snow Foundation

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